4H Program (Hope Homes)

The people should preach the word of God to all peoples according to the Biblical Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

A Christian not for profit organization in Kenya based in Eburru, Kenya. It’s mainly involved in trying to better the lives of the people of Eburru, through the use of the Christian faith, better Education and good HealthCare and anything else that can help.

Contact Us:

(+254 721 551 713)

4H Program (Hope Homes)

The 4H (habitat for humanity-style hope homes) is a ministry of CBM that have seen the most disadvantaged families with poor habitats get a decent home. Aimed at giving hope to the families and declaring the love of God to them through this program, CBM through God’s grace was able to build four such homes to four families. Glory to God for huge provision from support through DHI.
We would like to thank God for all that have stood with us in this noble task. To God be the glory! In Christ’s Service

David’s Hope sends it’s first full-time missionary, Rannveig Fredheim.

Rannveig manages the sponsorship program, helps in the clinic when needed and has assisted on many other projects at Camp Brethren including building Martha’s house, the visits to the village families to bring food and masks during the Covid-19 quarantine, and she takes the majority of the photos that you see on Camp Brethren social media pages. 

Monica is one of the Beneficiaries to the 4H Program: (slide the arrows to compare)

Monica beforeMonica after

Martha is also a Beneficiaries to the 4H Program: (slide the arrows to compare)


A small Gallery On the 4H Homes Program:(click to view)

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