CBM Mission

The people should preach the word of God to all peoples according to the Biblical Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

A Christian not for profit organization in Kenya based in Eburru, Kenya. It’s mainly involved in trying to better the lives of the people of Eburru, through the use of the Christian faith, better Education and good HealthCare and anything else that can help.

Contact Us:

(+254 721 551 713)

CBM Mission

Our mission is to glorify God through providing holistic care to the communities in and around Eburru. As a people of covenant, we believe that nothing can be accomplished alone. We need the power of God. Thus, our allegiance to Christ is central as is our partnership with other believing entities. This is the reason we have deep ties with our partner link organization, David’s Hope International.

In light of the above, we have sacrificed ourselves to the work of service. Our conviction is to do all it takes to touch the lives of the lost, the destitute, the orphans and the vulnerable in the village of Eburru, Kenya in East Africa. We sincerely thank God for His divine providence through the partnership link with David’s Hope International. One of the joys of writing this content on our website is that it gives us the opportunity to look back and be  thankful for all that has been accomplished.  2017 was filled with wonderful opportunities and many challenges. Through a wide-range of ministries, CBM played a major role in improving the lives of those they care for at Eburru. 

Since that time, we’ve continued to see God do amazing things in the community. Here are just a few:

  • The creation of the Camp Brethren Christian School serving over 400 students, preschool through 8th grade
  • Providing new access to electricity, clean water, and the internet
  • The creation of the CBM orphanage  (orphans live among the boarding students in the dormitories where they have a home and family)
  • The creation of a child sponsorship program
  • The (on-going) construction of a high school, now in its third year
  • The transformation of the CBM Medical Centre from part-time volunteer staff to several full-time, paid providers
  • The expansion of the clinic into multiple buildings and inpatient care
  • The creation of numerous support groups and ministries in the community, serving among others: single mothers; those effected by HIV/AIDs; and those struggling with alcohol addiction
  • The opening of a 2nd church
  • The creation of a pastor’s network and discipleship ministry

Thanks to our growing network of prayer and financial supporters, we have had the privilege of being a part of what God is doing in Eburru and the surrounding region.

We invite you to join with us in rewarding work the Lord is doing!

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